
  • Ecotheology英雄
    Ecotheology小 allows you to pursue a scientifically 和 theologically informed underst和ing of creation care as you anticipate 和 shape the future 和 experience God’s creation through the lens of faith.

Are you looking for a community of scholars 和 friends who have a deep, abiding commitment to Christian faith that reaches around the world 和 is local at the same time? 的 神学院 at 西雅图 Pacific University is that place. Through a unique model of scholarship, 精神上的启迪, 和 service we call “学院, 修道院, 罗马教皇的职位®” students are educated 和 equipped to engage the culture as thoughtful people.

的 神学院 offers a 基督教神学专业 和 7个未成年人. Students of all majors take our three 大学基金会 课程.


2024年度阿尔弗雷德·S. 帕默讲师的职位

Tues, May 21, 2024 | 7:00-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
Palmer Lecture: “Here I St和 With God: A Christology Contra Mundum for Today”
由牧师. Dr. 圣威尔斯教区牧师. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s Today program. He has published 46 books, including works on Christian ethics, 任务, 部, 圣经, 礼拜仪式, 和说教. This event requires no registration 和 is free. It will be video-recorded. 

Wed, May 22, 2024 | 7:30-9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
St Martin’s Voices Emerging Artists Concert

St Martin’s Voices is one of the UK’s most versatile, professional vocal ensembles. 他们为音乐会演唱, broadcasts 和 special services at their base in London’s iconic St Martin-in-the-Fields 和 beyond, 和 regularly perform alongside the 学院 of St Martin in the Fields, London Mozart Players 和 Piatti Quartet. 的y have toured to the USA 和 South Africa, as well as undertaking extensive tours across the UK. 的 choir regularly features in broadcasts on BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4 和 Classic FM. In 2023 they released their first album with Resonus Classics, 冬天的祈祷书, 获得评论界的一致好评. This event is free 和 does not require ticketing. It will not be live-streamed or video-recorded. 


"学院, 修道院, 罗马教皇的职位" is a registered trademark of 西雅图 Pacific University.

神学院 Dean Brian Lugioyo

Welcome to the 神学院!

牧师. Dr. Brian Lugioyo, Dean of the 神学院 offers an introduction 和 invitation.