SPS 学院, 修道院, 罗马教皇的职位®

Professor Chakrita Saulina teaches a Hebrew course

The interplay of scholarship, 精神上的启迪, 服务学习 defines our unique vision for educating both undergraduate and seminary students — all informed by our Wesleyan heritage that joins “knowledge and vital piety” as a means of changing the world.


西雅图太平洋神学院 is known for its rigorous yet supportive academic environment. 作为一个神学院的学生, you will learn in close collaboration with faculty colleagues from many disciplines across the University. Our professors are outstanding biblical and theological scholars who value academic excellence, 研究, and teaching in service to the church, and have a deep Christian faith.


In 西雅图太平洋神学院, we stress accountable discipleship, and provide opportunities for you to worship and fellowship in intentional Christian community. Our purpose is that you will be formed more and more in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.


西雅图太平洋神学院 is also an “罗马教皇的职位” — a place of sending forth. 作为一名学生, you will sometimes find yourself stretched beyond your comfort zone — for the sake of the gospel — through urban or global multicultural experiences. At 西雅图太平洋神学院, prayer and service provide you with the seedbed for scholarly study, 职业探索, and preparation for leadership in the congregation, 教室里, 社区, 及以后.

Learning Outcomes of 学院, 修道院, and 罗马教皇的职位®

学院, 修道院, and 罗马教皇的职位® is integrated into the five MDiv Student Learning Outcomes identified below.

作为一个 学院, SPS seeks the mind of Christ through theological study and reflection.

1.Students will interpret and respond to the texts and traditions of the Christian faith.

2.Students will demonstrate critical reflection on the Christian faith and society for a deeper knowledge of God and God’s work in the world.

作为一个 修道院, SPS endeavors to be a formative community that is a workshop of the Holy Spirit.

3. Students will learn spiritual practices and participate in forming communities of discipleship, 由圣灵引导.

作为一个 罗马教皇的职位, SPS aspires to participate in God’s reconciling mission in the world.

4. Students will demonstrate attentiveness to the work of God in diverse contexts through participation in the ministry of reconciliation.

5. Students will discern their vocation to God’s reconciling work by participating in communities of faith.

学院, 修道院, and 罗马教皇的职位® is integrated into the four MA Student Learning Outcomes identified below.

作为一个 学院, SPS seeks the mind of Christ through theological study and reflection.

1.Students will interpret and respond to the texts and traditions of the Christian faith.

2. Students will demonstrate critical reflection on the Christian faith and society for a deeper knowledge of God and God’s work in the world.

作为一个 修道院, SPS endeavors to be a formative community that is a workshop of the Holy Spirit.

3.Students will learn spiritual practices and participate in forming communities of discipleship, 由圣灵引导.

作为一个 罗马教皇的职位, SPS aspires to participate in God’s reconciling mission in the world.

4. Students will demonstrate attentiveness to the work of God in diverse contexts through participation in the ministry of reconciliation.

To view the program tracking sheets for each degree, please visit the 神学院的程序 页面.

“Unite the pair so long disjoined;
Learning and holiness combined,
And truth and love let all men see
In these, when up to thee we give,
Thine, wholly thine, to die and live.”
Seminary students gather at Camp Casey | photo by Vita Nova


西雅图太平洋神学院’s incoming students gather at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island as part of a retreat-based intensive course where they study and practice historic spiritual disciplines.


The Triple A Model: 学院, 修道院, 罗马教皇的职位®

创始院长,博士. 道格强, reflects upon the initial vision of 西雅图太平洋神学院, known as the “The Triple A Model: 学院, 修道院, 罗马教皇的职位®.” This way of doing theological education focuses on an interplay of scholarship, 精神上的启迪, 服务学习.

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