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Seattle Pacific University
Spring 2007 | Volume 30, Number 1 | Campus

John Perkins Ministers to His “Adopted” City

At home in Seattle

John Perkins
在SPU校园里住了两个月, 珀金斯经常和学生们一起在格温公园吃饭.
On January 25, 2007, 100多名城市和郊区的牧师和社区领袖围着约翰·珀金斯. Perkins, 国际知名的圣经和解和社区发展领袖, 刚刚在西雅图的翡翠城外展事工完成了社区发展和更新联盟(CCDR)的演讲. “They put John in the middle of the church, gathered around him, 用四种不同的语言为他祈祷:埃塞俄比亚语, Spanish, Samoan, and English,” says Tali Hairston, 网易彩票下载约翰·珀金斯和解中心主任. “It was an amazing moment.”

And that was just the beginning. This winter, Perkins spent eight weeks in Seattle, living on the SPU campus, speaking before numerous audiences citywide, 会见商界和政府领导人, talking with students of all ages, and reconnecting with old friends. 这是他自2004年与西雅图太平洋公司总裁菲利普•伊顿共同创立珀金斯中心以来,对西雅图进行的最长一次访问.

该中心是一个创新的伙伴关系,其目标是通过模仿圣经和解来加强社区,在海尔斯顿的指导下,已经得到了地区和国家的关注. But this year, 而不是简单地举办一年一度的珀金斯系列讲座, Perkins and SPU wanted more. “我想加强帕金斯中心,并将这种理念转移到大西雅图社区,” says Perkins. “我想谈谈该中心如何成为一个榜样——首先是学生, then to the city, and then to the world.”

伊顿说:“约翰和网易彩票app住在一起是一种荣幸。. “他是一个光辉的榜样,一个人如何被希望和和解的愿景所吸引, 即使他为穷人和受苦的人而活,他也能真正改变世界. 约翰·珀金斯的教诲和榜样改变了我的生活. 在这次访问中,我为网易彩票app有机会继承这位伟人的遗产而深感感动.”

当帕金斯到达时,伊顿授予他杰出客座教授的头衔. 他立刻成为了名人,学生、教师和工作人员都排着队和他呆在一起. He taught undergraduate and graduate classes; he discussed ways to recruit minority students with Admissions staff; he advised business faculty about teaching economic and community development issues; and he fielded questions from Student Life staff.

一个大一新生在格温广场的沙拉吧和珀金斯聊了起来, 讲述了2006年他是如何在这名学生所在的高中演讲的. “网易彩票app一起坐下来吃午饭,聊得很开心,”帕金斯说. When Susan Lane, 职业发展中心副主任, learned her 11-year-old son, Zack, 被要求写一篇网易彩票app民权领袖的文章, 她建议他选择珀金斯作为研究对象. 她带着儿子来学校听珀金斯演讲, 然后把他介绍给了一个世界闻名的人. Impressed, 扎克回到学校,告诉他的老师和同学他问了一些问题, and shaken hands with, the civil rights leader.

珀金斯对这座城市的影响远远超出了西雅图太平洋地区. He was interviewed by commentator Steve Scher of KUOW’s radio show “Weekday”; and he met with students at the African American Academy, staff at World Vision, 以及星巴克、微软和波音公司的高管. 珀金斯还被任命为西雅图大学长老会(UPC)的常驻牧师。 during his time in Seattle. He preached, 参加为期两天的资深教牧人员退修会, attended weekly pastors’ meetings, and more. “It was good for us to hear John, 谁从外部的角度肯定和挑战网易彩票app,” says Ken Kierstead, UPC城市和全球部高级主任. “他让网易彩票app更加有意识地把握多样性的机会.”

在访问接近尾声之际,美国另一位知名经济学家芭芭拉•威廉姆斯-斯金纳(Barbara Williams-Skinner)表示.S. 和珀金斯一起参加了一个名为“和解神学”的会议.” Explains Hairston, during the civil rights era, 珀金斯和斯金纳家族超越了法律上的倡导,还宣扬圣经中“一个身体有许多部分”的教义.” At the conference, 100多名男女聚集在上格温下议院, 珀金斯和斯金纳劝诫他们通过人际关系活出信仰, even outside their racial comfort zones.

For Eaton, it was a profound experience. “And this has been just the opening chapter of the Perkins Center,” he says, “a huge beginning for us as a community, as a city, and as partners together.”

On March 3, after eight intense weeks, John Perkins boarded a plane, 留下了许多改变和鼓舞人心的心, says 海尔斯顿:“在八周的时间里,约翰给SPU带来了两到三年的良好发展. 网易彩票app将朝着他提出的这些非常可行的目标和想法努力.”

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